Basic Krita Techniques for Refining Environment Sketches 

Learning outcomes

Who wants to share their environment sketch from last week? 


Krita is a powerful, free art program used by artists around the world. It’s perfect for turning your sketches into digital art. 

Simple Overview 

Tour of Krita’s Interface: Show key elements:

Digitising your work.


Importing into Krita 

Adjusting the Sketch:

Enhancing Environment Sketches with Krita 

Lock the Sketch Layer 

We’re locking the sketch layer so we don’t accidentally draw over it. It’s like protecting the original sketch 

Create New Layers for Colour and Texture

Colouring with the Brush Tool 

Adding Simple Textures 

Using the Eraser Tool 

Homework Assignment 

To watch

Reference List

Krita Official YouTube Channel:

Getting Started — Krita Manual 5.2.0 documentation:

Krita Tutorial for Beginners (Course) - YouTube:

Krita 5 Tutorial for Beginners - Getting Started (Lesson 1) - YouTube:

Complete Beginner's Guide to Krita - YouTube:
