Basic Krita Techniques for Refining Environment Sketches
Learning outcomes
Identify and Describe Krita Tools
Import and Adjust Sketches
Apply Colour and Texture Using Layers
Who wants to share their environment sketch from last week?
Krita is a powerful, free art program used by artists around the world. It’s perfect for turning your sketches into digital art.
Simple Overview
Tour of Krita’s Interface: Show key elements:
Toolbox: This is where you’ll find your brushes, selection tools, and more.
Layers Dock: Layers let you separate parts of your drawing, like putting each element on a different sheet of transparent paper.
Brush Presets: Krita has a huge collection of brushes, but we’ll keep it simple today.
Digitising your work.
Lets go down and scan your work
Importing into Krita
Open Krita and create a new document (e.g., 1920 x 1080 pixels, 300 dpi). Explain: Higher resolution gives us more detail to work with.
Import the Sketch: Demonstrate how to use File > Import to bring their sketch into Krita.
Crop and Adjust: Show how to crop the image using the Crop Tool.
Let’s make your environment the star of the scene.
Adjusting the Sketch:
Use Filter > Adjust > Brightness/Contrast to make the lines clearer.
Does this make your sketch easier to see?”
Enhancing Environment Sketches with Krita
Lock the Sketch Layer
We’re locking the sketch layer so we don’t accidentally draw over it. It’s like protecting the original sketch
Create New Layers for Colour and Texture
Think of layers like stacking different sheets for colouring, shading, and texturing.
In game design, layering is crucial for building complex scenes.
Colouring with the Brush Tool
Use the Basic Brush Preset: Start simple. We’ll add more detail later.
Relate to game design: Colours set the mood of your environment. Think about how players will feel exploring your scene.
Adding Simple Textures
Introduce texture brushes in Krita, like brushes for grass or rocky surfaces.
Blending Modes: Explain how to use blending modes (e.g., Multiply or Overlay) to create shadows or highlights.
It’s like adding special effects to make your environment pop.
Using the Eraser Tool
Show how to adjust the eraser’s softness and size to clean up edges or add highlights.
Play around with different settings to see what works best.
Homework Assignment
Take your environment sketch and keep working on it in Krita.
Experiment with adding more textures and shadows.
Lighting Challenge:
Think about where the light source is in your scene.
Try adding highlights and shadows to make the environment look more realistic or dramatic
To watch
Reference List
Krita Official YouTube Channel:
Krita. (n.d.). Krita Official YouTube Channel. Available at: [Accessed 4 November 2024].
Getting Started — Krita Manual 5.2.0 documentation:
Krita. (n.d.). Getting Started — Krita Manual 5.2.0 documentation. Available at: [Accessed 4 November 2024].
Krita Tutorial for Beginners (Course) - YouTube:
Rutten, A. (n.d.). Krita Tutorial for Beginners (Course). Available at: [Accessed 4 November 2024].
Krita 5 Tutorial for Beginners - Getting Started (Lesson 1) - YouTube:
Rutten, A. (2023). Krita 5 Tutorial for Beginners - Getting Started (Lesson 1). Available at: [Accessed 4 November 2024].
Complete Beginner's Guide to Krita - YouTube:
Skills Factory. (2022). Complete Beginner's Guide to Krita. Available at: [Accessed 4 November 2024].